Some of my earliest and fondest memories involve my grandparents bringing me to their places of work and showing me what they took great pride in. I’ve always admired their examples and expertise they developed in their places of work as well as their strong family values. Although they followed very different career paths, they instilled in me a commitment and purpose to serve my clients with the same care and expertise they provided to those they served in their time.
My grandfather Wilford Strobelt ran Strobelt Dental Lab in Las Vegas until selling the business after working past 90 years old. His commitment to service and quality was an inspiring example that helped shape my career objectives and life goals.
My other grandfather, Richard Dunhill, was the president of Alfred Dunhill, a large international luxury retailer of high-end men’s clothing. His commitment to hard work and creating the highest quality products left a lifetime impression on me. Here is video of him being interviewed in 1984:
– Nick Strobelt